The United States, officially the United States of America or also known as America, is a coalition of 50 states, a federal district and five major self-governing territories. Operating as a federal republic, America is a stable, democratic and culturally diverse country with a population of over 332.63 million and an internet penetration rate of 76.2% (246.8 million internet users). The republic covers nine different time zones creating its own unique challenges to the technology sector.
The total GDP of America is over US $19 trillion and with a contribution of 7.1% from the digital economy, America’s data center industry is thriving. Besides American data centers, the digital economy includes 109.96 million fixed line telephone subscriptions and 422 million mobile telephone subscriptions.
America contains several data center clusters throughout the country providing plenty of colocation opportunities. The primary colocation data center markets in America are:
The United States is well connected to Europe and Asia-Pacific with submarine cables extending from five primary markets on the East Coast and four primary markets on the West Coast. There are 5,389 American data centers, the majority of these colocation facilities are located on the Atlantic Seaboard. Large carrier neutral American data centers feature rich ecosystems and state of the art equipment, ensuring maximum uptime and connectivity to over 19,541 service providers.
America has good coverage of the energy sector, which is an important attribute for any data center market. The country is energized by 21% renewable or green sources, with the remaining provided by fossil or nuclear fuels. This gives American colocation facilities significant opportunities to take advantage of green energy. In addition to green energy, data center consumers enjoy a range of PUE scores between 1.01 and 2.15, with the average PUE for American data centers sitting at 1.43. American colocation facilities provide over 14923.98 MW of power and has a range of rack power options from 2.16 kW to 22.00 kW.