The Singtel Group is Asia's leading communications group. We provide a diverse range of services including fixed, mobile, data, internet, TV and infocomms technology (ICT) as well as digital solutions.
Our main operations are in Singapore and Australia. Headquartered in Singapore, Singtel has more than 130 years of operating experience and has played a pivotal role in the country's development as a major communications hub. Today, we continue to lead and shape the local consumer and enterprise market. Our Australian arm, Optus is a leader in integrated telecommunications, constantly raising the bar in innovative products and services.
We are a major communications player in Asia and Africa through our strategic investments in five regional mobile operators, namely Telkomsel (Indonesia), Globe Telecom (the Philippines), Advanced Info Service (Thailand) and PBTL (Bangladesh). The Group also has investments in Bharti Airtel (India), which has significant presence in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Africa.
We are a long term strategic investor and work closely with our associates to grow the business by leveraging our scale in networks, customer reach and extensive operational experience. The Group serves over 500 million mobile customers around the world.
Singtel is the largest listed company on the Singapore Exchange by market capitalisation. We are also listed on the Australian Securities Exchange following our acquisition of Optus in August 2001. To serve the needs of multinational corporations, Singtel has a vast network of offices in countries and territories throughout Asia Pacific, in Europe and the USA, while Optus has a network of offices around Australia. The Group employs more than 22,000 staff worldwide.